

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Is World War 3 around the corner ?

Is World War 3 around the corner ?

The famous Matthew 24 signs |

The Washington post, in a recent article, had something very interesting to say about WW3. But this time, I want to leave this for later, we will go back to it as we go on.

 This is the second part of the Matthew 24 signs series. Where we will examine each one of these signs which, according to Jesus, were going to take place right before His return to this planet.
Previously, we looked at the first sign: false christs, and its fulfillment today.

Now we will look at the second sign and see if this one is being fulfilled today as well.
Let's read the scriptures to see what the second sign is all about.

Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom...

The warning was very clear and specific: You will know that my return is close -Jesus said- when you see wars, conflict among nations, peoples fighting against each other. And these wars and conflicts were going to be more frequent and more intense.
That is actually what the sign was going to be, the frequency and the intensity. This is what Jesus tried to emphasized.
How do I come up with that?
Well, take a look at the next verse.

Matthew 24:8 But all these things are the beginning of birth pains.
Jesus compared the events with birth pains. And how are birth pains? You all know the answer, more frequent and more intense.

Do you think this sign is being fulfilled today?
Well, let's take a look at what is going on.


I will mention just some of the wars that occurred in the last 10 years or so, because they are too many if I go back further.

2003-2010 War in Darfur, Sudan 15,000-25,000 killed
2003-2011 Iraq War 155,000 killed, civilian deaths 103,160–113,728
2004-Present War in North-West Pakistan 40,309 total killed
2004-Present Shia insurgency in Yemen 25,000 people killed
2004-Present South Thailand insurgency 5,469 killed
2006-2009 War in Somalia 6,000-12,000 killed, Civilian casualties: 16,724 killed
2008-2009 Gaza War Total killed: 1,417
2009-Present Sudanese nomadic conflicts 3,000 killed
2009-Present North Caucasus insurgency 1316 militants killed
2009 Boko Haram Uprising Around 1,000 dead
2009-Present South Yemen insurgency 1,300 killed
2009-Present War in Somalia 4,093 killed
1998-Present Al-Qaeda insurgency in Yemen Total Dead: 2,207
2011 Libyan civil war 5,849-7,241 opposition fighters and supporters killed
2011-2012 Yemeni revolution 2,000 killed
2011- Present Syrian civil war 42,908–43,555 Syrians killed
2011-Present South Sudan internal conflict 4,241+ killed from all sides (including civilians)
These are just a few of the many wars in the last decade, many still going on today.

I could mention many others, but I'll just mention 2 more.


1950-1953 The Korean War. In all, some 5 million soldiers and civilians lost their lives during the war.
1955-1975 The Vietnam War. More than 3 million people were killed in the Vietnam War.

You also have wars like:
2006-Present Mexico war on drugs 150,000 killed
2001-Present The War on Terror
   *Iraq: 62,570 to 1,124,000 killed
   *Afghanistan: between 10,960 and 49,600 killed
   *Pakistan: Between 1467 and 2334 killed
   *Somalia: 7,000+ killed
   *Total American casualties from the War on Terror
this includes fighting throughout the world): 56,900 +

People against people

Also, you have conflicts among people, religious conflicts, such as Muslims against Christians. I also wrote an article about this conflict in Syria in a previous article. Many muslims are killing christians more frequently in the last years, that includes, children, women and old people as well. I will put a link to some pictures of what is really going on, PLEASE BE ADVISED these are very DISTURBING pictures, so I do advise you that these pictures are very disgusting so PLEASE don't let children see them. But the truth is the truth and Jesus said these things were going to happen. (pictures)
There are also other religious and community groups in conflict, but I'll mention just a little about this one.

The Global War on Christians in the Muslim World (Newsweek)

Inter-religious and inter-communal tensions and conflicts from Nigeria and Egypt and Sudan, to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Indonesia.
Conflicts have varied, from acts of discrimination, to forms of violence escalating to murder, and the destruction of villages, churches and mosques.

Thus, you have news headlines like these:

Muslims desecrating church

Nations against nations, kingdoms against kingdoms

In the century that just passed we saw wars like the world had never seen before, where literally nations and kingdoms rose against each other. We are talking about the world wars.

World war 1: The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million.

Then we saw World war 2, which was the DEADLIEST military conflict in history !
Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of the world population.

Rumors of wars

In the last months many rumors of wars have been heard, rumors of wars between Israel and Iran, China and Japan and threats among countries such as United States, Russia, Syria, Iran, Israel, Japan, etc. The main conflict is in the middle east therefore you have news headlines like these:

And you can find many more headlines like that in every news network. But there is yet another rumor of war more interesting and important:

World War 3

The Washington post wrote:
Looking forward to WW3: Iran, Russia and China vs. the USA

China Joins Russia, Orders Military To Prepare For World War III

But they are not the only ones that mention this. Actually, many newspapers, radio shows, TV news, and many, many blogs are talking about it. And that shouldn't surprise us, knowing the situation in the middle east. Now, that's what I call "rumors of wars". 
For example:

Iran : " World War 3 may break out " if Israel Strikes - O'Reilly Factor 

Drifting Towards World War 3 - InfoWars 

World War 3 - GBTV 

WorldWar 3 Watch : North Korea reveals its Unha-3 'Milky Way 3' rocket 

Now, personally, I think ww3 may happen, and if it does, it won't last long, mainly because of the nuclear power that exist today. A nuclear war could destroy the earth, or even worst, a few thermo-nuclear or hydrogen bomb would literally annihilate this planet. So a bigger and more impressive event would have to interrupt the war, and based on the previous sign and other signs, I would say it could be a supernatural manifestation. But that's just my personal opinion.

So, let me ask you again, do you think this sign is being fulfilled today?
The obvious and only answer is YES!
Remember, one sign doesn't mean much, wars don't mean anything. We always had wars, since the beginning of mankind. The important part is that ALL these signs were going to happen all at the same time, simultaneously.
And like Jesus said, just like birth pains, they will be more recurrent and severe. And that is exactly what is going on with these wars and rumors of wars, they are becoming more and more frequent and and more serious every time.
So let's add this one to the list,

Signs being fulfilled today:

False christs 
Wars and rumors of wars  √      

So hold on tight, because the fulfillment of all these signs will shock you out of your chair.
My dear readers, my purpose is not to scare you or amaze you, or give you something interesting to read. My only objective is to help you and others, to realize the times we are living in. So you can prepare you life and others' spiritually, physically and mentally for the hard times that we have ahead, to finally meet our Creator and Redeemer Jesus Christ, the son of God.

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