

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The trembling earth

                       The trembling earth

                                              The famous Matthew 24 signs |

Earth cracking up under Indian Ocean
News Scientist

YOU may not have felt it, but the whole world shuddered on 11 April, as Earth's crust began the difficult process of breaking a tectonic plate. When two huge earthquakes ripped through the floor of the Indian Ocean, they triggered large aftershocks on faults all aver the world, and provided the best evidence yet that the vast-Australian plate is being torn in two.
What's more, both involved rocks grinding past each other sideways with very little vertical movement -what geologists call strike-slip earthquakes. Yet strike-slip quakes this large had never been reported before.
"This was the most powerful event [ever recorded] in terms of putting stress on other fault zones around the world,"

The fact that mainstream media basically didn't cover this, doesn't mean it is not important. In fact it's very important, specially to scientist.

'Odd duck' Indonesia quake surprises scientist
Fox news
"A week ago, we wouldn't have thought we could have a strike-slip earthquake of this size. This is very, very large," said Kevin Furlong, a professor of geosciences at Penn State University.
So large, in fact, that the main shock went into the history books. Record-keeping by the USGS National Earthquake Information Center ranks Wednesday's shaker as the 11th largest since 1900. It's probably the largest strike-slip event. The Sumatra coast has been rattled by three strong strike-slip quakes since 2004, but Wednesday's was the largest.

This one is the biggest earthquake of its kind in history ever recorded.
The planet is literally breaking apart.

                         This is the third part of the Matthew 24 signs series. 
Where we will examine each one of these signs which, according to Jesus, were going to take place right before His return to this planet.

Now, remember that Matthew was not the only one who wrote about this, Mark and Luke also recorded Jesus' prophecy. So for the next sign we'll read from Luke, since he gives a more specific statement.
The first part of the verse reads :
Luke 21:11 And great earthquakes shall be in divers places...
According to Yeshua, right before His return, there will be great earthquakes in different places. So if He was right, and if His return is very near, we should be seeing this prophecy being fulfilled. Not only that, not only we should be seeing great earthquakes in different places, but also more frequently and more severe. Remember how Jesus compared these signs with birth pains?
Matthew 24:8 But all these things are the beginning of birth pains.

So, let me ask the important question. Is this sign being fulfilled today?
I don't have to twist your arm to get a positive answer from you. Great earthquakes are shaking this planet in diverse places. And yes, just like Jesus said, they had been reiterated and more intense.
Let me give you some recent information about the subject, in case you are not fully aware.

American daily herald

Are earthquakes actually increasing in number? The answer, with a caveat, is that they are. The U.S. Geological Survey keeps records on the number of earthquakes. According to the agency’s stats, the number of magnitude 5.0 to 9.9 earthquakes reached 2,117 in 2010. In 2000, by contrast, the number of such quakes recorded by USGS was 1,505.

Major Earth Changes Coming? Earthquakes Are Becoming Much More Frequent And Much More Powerful
The American dream
Since the year 2000 there has been a very clear upward trend in the number of major earthquakes. So is this an indication that major earth changes are coming? Is our planet becoming increasingly unstable?
For most of human history we have seriously underestimated the awesome destructive power of natural disasters, and the fact that the number of earthquakes around the world seems to be going up consistently should be a huge wake up call for all of us. These days powerful earthquakes happen so frequently that most people hardly notice them anymore.

Undoubtedly, we have seen more and more earthquakes and each of them more devastating than the other. 
Just to mention a few of them, you might still remember the  
2004 Indonesia earthquake and tsunami.

This is the third largest earthquake in the world since 1900 and is the largest since the 1964 Prince William Sound, Alaska earthquake. In total, 227,898 people were killed or were missing and presumed dead and about 1.7 million people were displaced by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami in 14 countries in South Asia and East Africa.

The 2010 Haiti earthquake

According to official estimates, 316,000 people killed, 300,000 injured, 1.3 million displaced, 97,294 houses destroyed and 188,383 damaged in the Port-au-Prince area and in much of southern Haiti. Other estimates suggest substantially lower numbers of casualties, perhaps as low as fewer than 100,000. The casualties include at least 4 people killed by a local tsunami in the Petit Paradis area near Leogane.

The 2010 Chile earth quake

At least 523 people killed, 24 missing, about 12,000 injured, 800,000 displaced and at least 370,000 houses, 4,013 schools, 79 hospitals and 4,200 boats damaged or destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami in the Valparaiso-Concepcion-Temuco area. At least 1.8 million people affected in Araucania, Bio-Bio, Maule, O'Higgins, Region Metropolitana and Valparaiso. The total economic loss in Chile was estimated at 30 billion US dollars. Electricity, telecommunications and water supplies were disrupted and the airports at Concepcion and antiago had minor damage. The tsunami damaged or destroyed many buildings and roads at Concepcion, Constitucion, Dichato and Pichilemu and also damaged boats and a dock in the San Diego area, USA. 

The 2011 Japan earthquake and tsunami

At least 15,703 people killed, 4,647 missing, 5,314 injured, 130,927 displaced and at least 332,395 buildings, 2,126 roads, 56 bridges and 26 railways destroyed or damaged by the earthquake and tsunami along the entire east coast of Honshu from Chiba to Aomori. The majority of casualties and damage occurred in Iwate, Miyagi and Fukushima from a Pacific-wide tsunami with a maximum runup height of 37.88 m at Miyako. The total economic loss in Japan was estimated at 309 billion US dollars. Electricity, gas and water supplies, telecommunications and railway service disrupted and several reactors severely damaged at a nuclear power plant near Okuma. Several fires occurred in Chiba and Miyagi. At least 1,800 houses destroyed when a dam failed in Fukushima. Maximum acceleration of 2.93 g recorded at Tsukidate. Horizontal displacement and subsidence observed. Landslides occurred in Miyagi. Liquefaction observed at Chiba, Odaiba, Tokyo and Urayasu. The tsunami destroyed or severely damaged many coastal towns in the Kuji-Minamisanriku-Nami area. One person killed and several houses destroyed at Jayapura, Indonesia by a tsunami with a wave height of 2 m.

Powerful earthquakes in the last years and as we'll see, this is just the beginning. 
Now, going back to the article where it says that the earth is cracking up, the Indian ocean earthquake literally ripped the surface of the earth, but that's not all. Scientists discovered something they were debating for a long time

Rare Great Earthquake in April Triggers Large Aftershocks All Over the Globe
USGS (U.S. Geological Survey)
Large earthquakes can alter seismicity patterns across the globe in very different ways, according to two new studies by U.S. Geological Survey seismologists. Both studies shed light on more than a decade of debate on the origin and prevalence of remotely triggered earthquakes. Until now, distant but damaging “aftershocks” have not been included in hazard assessments, yet in each study, changes in seismicity were predictable enough to be included in future evaluations of earthquake hazards.

Global aftershock study: April 2012: East Indian Ocean quake triggers many distant quakes.
An extraordinary number of earthquakes of M4.5 and greater were triggered worldwide in the six days after the M8.6 East Indian Ocean earthquake in April 2012. These large and potentially damaging quakes, occurring as far away as Mexico and Japan, were triggered within days of the passage of seismic waves from the main shock that generated stresses in Earth’s crust. 

USA Today also wrote:
"Essentially, we're seeing here the entire globe become an aftershock zone of these two earthquakes," says seismologist Aaron Velasco of the University of Texas-El Paso, who was not part of the study. " A decade ago we would have laughed at thinking there was a connection, but we see pretty clear links in this case."

In other words, this was a very important earthquake in history.

Now, continuing with other quakes, let me ask you a curious question. Do you feel time goes by faster? Do you feel days are shorter? If you do, you are right!
Some of these last earthquakes have been so powerful that they actually tilted the earth making days shorter!
Japan earthquake shortened day on Earth, tilted axis by 25cm
Digital journal

How Japan earthquake shortened days on earth

Chile quake may have tipped Earth's axis

Chilean Quake May Have Shortened Earth Days News

Sumatra earthquake 2004

JPL research scientist Richard Gross computed how Earth's rotation should have changed.
Gross said the same model estimated the 2004 magnitude 9.1 Sumatran earthquake should have shortened the length.

The 9.1 Sumatra earthquake in 2004 shortened the day by 6.8 microseconds.

Do you want to read something very interesting from the same Matthew 24 chapter?

Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Unreliable! You just can't make this up. I told you these signs were goin to shock you.
So let's continue.

Another shocking piece of information about these last quakes is the numbers of deaths they caused.
For example, the Haiti earthquake is the second deadliest earthquake in history with 316,000 deaths, and the Indonesian one is one of the top 10 with around 230,000 deaths. (source)

All these earthquakes occurred in countries that are part of what is known as "the ring of fire".
"Ring of Fire", also called the Circum-Pacific belt, is the zone of earthquakes surrounding the Pacific Ocean-about 90% of the world's earthquakes occur there. The next most seismic region (5-6% of earthquakes) is the Alpide belt (extends from Mediterranean region, eastward through Turkey, Iran, and northern India.
U.S. Geological Survey

Most of the big earthquakes occur in this zone, which is very well alive and active, as mentioned in this article from "The American Dream"

The Ring Of Fire Is Roaring To Life And There Will Be Earthquakes Of Historic Importance On The West Coast Of The United States
The American Dream

The Ring of Fire is roaring to life and that is really bad news for the west coast of the United States. Approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire. Considering the fact that the entire west coast of the United States lies along the Ring of Fire, we should be very concerned that the Ring of Fire is becoming more active.

This article also mentioned something that I like to call "rumors of earthquakes". Scientist are expecting big earthquakes to happen any time soon.
Here are some of those "rumors of earthquakes" :

California "big one" expected to pale next to Japan quake

The colossal California quake considered inevitable and long overdue is most likely to strike along the southern end of the famed San Andreas Fault and register a magnitude of 7.5 or greater.

Geophysicists and engineers envisions a calamity that would leave 2,000 people dead, 50,000 injured and 250,000 homeless.

Scientists expecting more large-scale tsunamis in the near future
The Japan daily press

A panel of government scientists has released a report predicting the Pacific coast of Japan is in danger of a tsunami up to 34 meters (112 feet) high should an earthquake occur offshore, similar to the Tohoku earthquake of last March.

Ground-breaking Study Warns of More Great Quakes in the Himalayas.
Science Newsline

NTU Professor Paul Tapponnier, who is recognized as a leading scientist in the field of neotectonics, said that the existence of such devastating quakes in the past means that quakes of the same magnitude could happen again in the region in future, especially in areas which have yet to have their surface broken by a temblor.

Years after big quake, Turkish fault still slip-sliding
Science news

“We’re expecting a destructive earthquake in the near future in Istanbul,” says Ziyadin Çakir, a geologist at Istanbul Technical University. “The creeping makes additional stress on the fault.”

Is a major earthquake going to hit Oregon?
The Week

After analyzing 13 years of research, scientists at Oregon State University have announced that this region has a 40 percent chance of suffering a massive earthquake in the next 50 years. And if Oregon is rocked by a temblor, researchers suggest that it could even be the same magnitude as the tremor that devastated Japan last year.
8.6 earthquake possible in Southern California? Caltech study suggests new ‘mega-earthquake’ risk
The extinction protocol

In recent years, scientists, first responders and utilities have been preparing for “The Big One,” that inevitable quake that will rock Southern California to its core. It’s coming. For sure. They just don’t know when. But the U.S. Geological Survey and Caltech have been on the ball, working from a likely scenario, a simulated “Shakeout” that would have a 7.8 quake hitting greater L.A. It would be deadly, destructive and put us in the dark for days, if not weeks. Unfortunately, a 7.8 might now be too low of an estimate for The Big One: Caltech researchers looked at Sumatra’s (April 11) 8.6 earthquake and concluded —maybe —that a similar temblor could happen along the same San Andreas fault that will produce our Big One. Make that a possible Bigger One.

Catastrophic Earthquake Fears Along New Madrid Zone Has People Preparing

"The predicts that a major quake would create horrific scenes like something out of a science fiction movie, potentially cutting the Eastern part of the country off from the West in terms of vehicular traffic and road commerce. USGS report "The older highways and railroad bridges that cross the Mississippi River, as well as older overpasses, would likely be damaged or collapse in the event of a major New Madrid earthquake," according to USGS.

That is what you can really call "rumors of earthquakes", is it not?
Doing this research and listening to some experts, I realized that the one that most scientist are expecting is the one in southern California.
We as Christians are also expecting BIG earthquakes, because according to the book of revelations, big earthquakes were going to shake this planet to its core in the last days. These are global earthquakes which will shake the whole world! Let's see what the bible says about this.

In revelations 6 the bible talks about 7 seals, and the 6th seal mentions a great earthquake, which many scholars say it was "The great Lisbon earthquake"

The 1755 Lisbon earthquake, also known as the Great Lisbon Earthquake, occurred in the Kingdom of Portugal. In combination with subsequent fires and a tsunami, the earthquake almost totally destroyed Lisbon and adjoining areas. Seismologists today estimate the Lisbon earthquake had a magnitude in the range 8.5–9.0. Estimates place the death toll in Lisbon alone between 10,000 and 100,000 people, making it one of the deadliest earthquakes in history. (wikipedia)
Revelations 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

Then, going forward in time, revelations mentions 4 more quakes, and the last one, a mega-massive one.

Revelations 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.

Revelations 11:13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.
Revelations 11:19 And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail.
Revelations 16:18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.

There is no doubt that more earthquakes are coming ahead and more powerful as well. But instead of getting scared, we must be happy, for the fact that our Savior's return is very near.

So once again, the question is: Is this sign of Jesus' prophecy being fulfilled today?
And once again the answer is: Yes, it is!
But let's not forget
Matthew 24:8 But all these things are the beginning of birth pains.

As you can see, this verse can and will be applied to every one of the signs. Because besides the fact that ALL these signs are happening at the same time, simultaneously, they all share the "birth pains" factor, meaning that they are happening more frequently and more intense each time. And as we just saw, these earthquakes are indisputably more frequent and more powerful.

So let's add this one to the list
Signs being fulfilled today:

False christs
Wars andrumors of wars
Great earthquakes in diverse places √

So hold on tight, because the fulfillment of all these signs will shock you out of your chair. My dear readers, my purpose is not to scare you or amaze you, or give you something interesting to read. My only objective is to help you and others, to realize the times we are living in. So you can prepare your life and others' spiritually, physically and mentally for the hard times that we have ahead, to finally meet our Creator and Redeemer Jesus Christ, the son of God.

May God give you in this new year, the gift of inner peace, which only He can give. Because we are going to need it, and that inner peace, which is based on the faith of Jesus, will help us go on, even if we loose material things.
So have a blessed new year! Remember that it is never too late to start a new page or a new chapter in the book of your life. :)

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