

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mysterious deaths, unanswered questions, judgement hour

 Mysterious deaths, unanswered questions, judgement hour

It is a little scary to face the unknown, to have no answers for important questions. Therefore, speculations start invading our minds. Most of us would try to find a logic answer to try to appease our thoughts. But inside, we know that we still don't have an answer, and we keep looking for something, leaving us with that same sense of fear which we started with.
And when these questions are about our world, our only home, many of us worry a little.
This is what I felt few days ago when I saw the article that I'm going to share with you.

You can also check more news articles like these at my Facebook Page: Biblical and Prophetic News

Thousands of crustaceans were found dead off the coast of Lima Peru.
A type of red krill about three centimeters (1.2 inches) long.
  • This Yahoo news report says: "The cause of death is under investigation, said Industry and Fishing Minister Gladys Triveno, warning that "it would be premature to give a reason for this phenomenon."

Now, that is pretty shocking. I mean, something weird is going on over there in Peru. Because few months ago, something just like that happened there:  Peru's mysterious dolphin and pelican deaths (with shocking pictures).
This Channel 4 news reported: "Around 5,000 birds most pelicans, washed up dead along a stretch of Peru's northern Pacific coastline in recent weeks, health officials said, after an estimated 900 dolphins died in the same area in recent months."
This is very shocking, very intriguing indeed. Then, after you read this, naturally, your mind will demand an answer to these dramatic tragedies.
Why ? How can 5000 birds fall dead at the same time in the same place ? Why almost a thousand dolphins appear dead on the shore ? What caused the death of thousands krill ? Why are all these creatures dying around the same area ? But you know what ? This sadly doesn't end on the Peruvian coasts. Take a look at this : Bee Colony Collapse ! Bee colony collapse disorder has cut through honeybee populations, with some beekeepers reportedly losing up to 90 percent of their stock in recent years. European bee populations are also declining, and so are some species of North American bumblebee. Bees too ?

Why are their entire colony collapsing ?
  • First we have the official answers. Which usually are not very convincing. For example, on the news reports that I've linked, they interview zoologists, biologists, experts etc. And they give a very vague answer, like in the case of the bees, Sam Droege, a biologist at U.S. Geological Survey's  Patuxent Wildlife Research Center says that conclusions are weaker than he'd like. "We'd love to make statements more detailed" so basically he is saying that they don't really know. The reports continues saying that they are doing researches and are also trying to monitor bees, but that's basically it.

Concerning the dolphins
  • One report says : "Peru's Sea Institute said in its final report Tuesday on the mass die-off earlier this year of nearly 900 dolphins and porpoises that the cause remains unknown."
  • A CNN report says : "Hundreds of dolphins that washed up on Peruvian shores died of natural causes, a government official said in a radio interview Tuesday." 900 dolphins died of natural causes at the same time ?
  • An ABC news report says: "The government has said the dolphins died of disease: "The most probable hypothesis is the possibility of an infection with a virus," Deputy Environment Minister Gabriel Quijandria told The Associated Press"
  • In the same ABC report it also says: "Environmental groups say dolphins' inner ears were literally fractured by seismic blasts set off by U.S. oil prospectors: "The ears were soaked in blood. That's not normal when you examine a bone," said Dr. Carlos Yaipen-Llanos, president of the activist group Orca"

On the Pelicans case
  • Peru this week says: "According to Jose Delgado Castro, head of Lambayeque’s Flora and Fauna Administration: The pollution that is recorded on the beaches has possibly caused the birds to get parasites, lower their defense systems and die," Delgado said." So parasites killed them thousands of them ?
  • The guardian says: "Peru says unusually warm ocean currents pushing southwards along its coast have disrupted fish distribution patterns causing around 5,000 seabirds, mostly pelicans and boobies, to starve to death." So, thousands of birds got so hungry that they all died ?

So do you see ? Many different answers for each case, and many of them don't even make sense.
But let me tell you what others are saying. I've read many comments about this issue, and I'm sure some of you could also comment about it. But here are some other reasons that also make sense.

Some are saying that radiation could be linked to this. 
Did you know that radiation is leaking from the Fukushima nuclear plant hit by the March 11 earthquake last year. And it is a very serious leak that most people don't know about ? For example take a look at this :
  • Natural News article says: "Fukushima disaster contaminated ocean with 50 million times normal radiation, leaks still ongoing."
  •  RT News video report: "California beware! A radioactive wave is headed toward the West Coast of the United States courtesy of the Fukushima nuclear disaster?" 
This is very serious, and creatures are being affected by this radiation, take a look at these reports.
  • Reuters reported: "More than 500 beef cattle that ate feed contaminated by radioactive material from Fukushima have already shipped to other parts of Japan."
  • A report from The Seattle Times says: "The dogs have gone wild. If infected dogs go outside the zone and attack people, disease could spread.  Kawasaki veterinarian Kunitoshi Baba said." Dogs are going crazy attacking people and other animals like zombies because of the radiation.
  • Energy News (ENENEWS) reports: "Diseased Alaska seals tested for radiation have abnormal brain growths, undersized lymph nodes — Environmental cause indicated — Also found in Russia, Canada — Bacteria becoming blood borne — White spots on liver." (pictures)
  • And now the newest Fukushima radiation news, just few days old.ABC News article says: "Radioactive Blue fin Tuna Caught Off Coast Of San Diego: Across the vast Pacific, the mighty blue fin tuna carried radioactive contamination that leaked from Japan's crippled nuclear plant to the shores of the United States 6,000 miles away. The levels of radioactive cesium were 10 times higher than the amount measured in tuna off the California coast in previous years."

So you see, radiation from Fukushima is affecting animals far and near. Even is being detected in food, like cattle and tuna. So be careful what you eat now. This is very serious and many people don't know anything about this. Now, do you think radiation could be causing the death of dolphins and birds ? It is very probable. 

Others say that the BP oil spill in the gulf could be related to these mysterious deaths.
Let me give tell you how serious this oil spill is.
  • AudubonMagazine has a report with some pictures also of turtles affected by the BP oil spill. 
  • Even coral colonies are dying because of this. The Huffington post reported: "Gulf Oil Spill: Coral Death 'Definitively' Linked To BP Spill."

Now, something very interesting, the biggest causes out there, for the bee colonies collapse are GMO (genetically modified organism) and pesticides, which both are produced by Monsanto, a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. World's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed in the Roundup brand and the second largest producer of genetically engineered seed (GMO).

Since GMO corn and the herbicides produced by Monsanto were the main causes of bee collapse, "Poland banned Monsanto's genetically modified maize" Natural Society reported.
Since Monsanto is being blamed for the collapse of bee colonies, they went ahead and made a cunning move. Get this, Monsanto buys one of the leading bee research firms – one that, conveniently, lists its primary goal as studying colony collapse disorder. Food on its reported says: "If this isn't the classic example of the fox guarding the henhouse then I don't know what is."
Hey if can't beat them, BUY THEM ! By the way, if you don't know, Monsanto and its herbicides and GMOs are very very dangerous, I'll leave at that for right now, since this is another big issue that I would like to write a whole article about.

As you can see, the majority of these causes are man made. But I won't start discussing right now about whether or not these catastrophic events were done on purpose. But I'll just say this, this is not just my opinion. There are artifacts that that can control the weather and even cause earthquakes (HAARP). And about the BP oil spill, don't tell me that with all the technology that we have now, no one could fix the leak that went on for 2 months and 25 days, the gushing wellhead was capped, after it had released about 4.9 million barrels of crude oil. An estimated 53,000 barrels per day escaped from the well just before it was capped (Wikipedia). But I'll stop right there, those are big issues that I would like to write a whole article about. But I said that because it leads me to my next point. Remember that the devil is all about destruction, killing, pollution, diseases, etc. Trying to destroy God's creation, man and nature.  But he doesn't do it himself, even though he can, instead he uses people. Sadly, many very smart men and women throughout history, had chosen to use their gifts and abilities for evil and collaborating with it for the destruction of man and nature.
But God's plan was very different, look what God said before creating man and His plan for them:
Genesis 1:26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
Did you see how God wanted man to be in charge of His creation ? Notice also that God made man to His own image, both physically and spiritually. Man was made to love nature as God did, and to care for it. Never to destroy it. Not only He created them like this, but he also told them personally to do this as their  duty and responsibility. It was their job in Eden.
Genesis 1:28 Then God blessed them and said, “Be fruitful and multiply. Fill the earth and govern it. Reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, and all the animals that scurry along the ground.”(New Living Translation)
King David was well aware of this, and on one of his psalms talking about men, he mentions this:
Psalms 8: 6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet:
7 all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, 8 the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas. 
In the same book we find again the fact that God gave man the duty of taking care of His creation.
Psalms 115:16 The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to man. 
Sadly throughout the centuries man had forgotten or ignored God's command and has chosen to seek his own pleasures and needs, even if that meant destroying God's creation, as we just saw.
But be not deceived, God will judge man for his deeds as King Solomon says in 
Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil.
John the revelator on the last book of the Holy Bibles says that before the coming of Christ, a last message was going to be proclaim divided in three parts. Even though this messages have a very deep prophetic meaning, we can also see that one of those messages says:
Revelation 14:7 He said in a loud voice, “Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.”
There is going to be a judgement right before the second coming of Jesus and the command to us is to worship the God the creator. Reminding us that He is still the one who made all this and we should still worship Him and remember our duty as stewards of everything he made. 

We are living in those times my friends, Jesus' return is very near, let us not do as they do. As it is written in Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

And if anyone is still doubting the seriousness of man's duty of taking care of the earth and not taking part in the destruction of it, look what it is written in Revelation 11:18 The nations were angry;
and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and for rewarding your servants the prophets and your saints and those who reverence your name, both small and great—and for destroying those who destroy the earth.” 
The ones who reverence His name  will be rewarded as well as the ones who destroy the earth !
Let us not be found as doers or collaborators of evil, instead let us pray that the Holy Spirit will keep us faithful in the faith of Jesus and revere His holy name worshiping God the creator. 
Have a blessed week friends.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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