

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"End of life care", vaccines and the Law of God

 "End of life care", vaccines and the Law of God

Killing another human being is one of the worst things man can do. It's a terrible sin, a terrible crime. Taking the life of someone else, is reproved by God and by the state. In other words, ending a human life, makes you a murderer and are subject to a sentence. Right ? or maybe not.
Is it possible that this horrible act could not be so bad after all ? Are people killing other people and getting away with it ? Maybe you are thinking about abortion and you are right. Abortion is a "legal" way of killing a human being.
But let me tell you another way of ending the  life of someone else "legally". This is what made me write this article, and I will also add some more information, so we can see a bigger picture of this issue.
TIME Magazine is peddling a death agenda propaganda piece with a new issue that features these words on the cover: "HOW TO DIE."
Inside, the magazine promotes a cost-saving death agenda that encourages readers to literally "pull the feeding tubes" from their dying elderly parents, causing them to dehydrate and die. This is explained as a new cost-saving measure that drastically reduces return hospital visits by the elderly... yeah, because dead people don't return to the hospital, of course.
Newsweek Magazine wrote an article entitled, "The Case for Killing Granny." The cover of that magazine stated, "Curbing excessive end-of-life care is good for America."
Just as with TIME Magazine, Newsweek is pushing a death agenda that devalues the lives of elderly citizens and actually encourages citizens to have their own parents killed in order to reduce medical costs. In fact, as TIME Magazine says, organizations that embrace these "outcome-based" death panel systems actually receive cash bonuses when they save more money by pulling the plug on granny!
That's the answer to health care in America, you see. It's not about nutritional therapy, using trace minerals to prevent disease, avoiding GMOs and toxic chemicals. Nope, it's about pulling the plug and killing your elders and then convincing yourself that you are compassionate for making sure they die sooner rather than later.
It's trendy to kill your parents off, didn't you know? It's good for the economy! And it's good for society! Death to grandma! For God's sake don't give any water to your dying father, either, because it's better to just let him die from kidney failure. Yep, here's an actual quote from the TIME Magazine story: "Renal failure is a good way to go," the story says. Just dehydrate 'em to death and call it trendy.

Even though it is very shocking to see this being promoted as a "good" thing,  it is not surprising. I mean, if it is ok for this wicked and sinful generation to kill babies, what could possibly be wrong with ending the life of old people "useless" to society? 
But now let me tell you that Time magazine is not the only one promoting this. Sadly, there is a person who is very involved in all this kind of wickedness. I say sadly, because I used to admire this person. Being somewhat a computer guy myself and faithful windows user, since windows 3.1, when I started to find out what he was into, I couldn't ignore it. Bill Gates, is a big promoter of this idea. This concept of "unplugging granny" is called "death panels" or as they also call it now, "end of life care".
Here is Bill Gates talking about death panels. Notice how he says that it is "better" to let your loved one die, than fire 10 teachers. Wow, but he doesn't stop there, no. Apparently  killing some old people is nothing. See it for yourself, in this video he says that CO2 is bad, and for that reason population (about 7 billion people) needs to be reduced by at least 10 or 15 % !!! But in case you ask yourself : "but how? How is he going to get rid of so many people ?" Don't worry, he tells you how he wants to do it. And he is very specific : new vaccines,health care, reproductive health services.  Unfortunately he is not lying about it. 'The real agenda' reports: "bill gates favors death panels and vaccines for depopulation".  But before I continue, let me share with you some of these facts.

Oral polio vaccines were banned from the U.S. but are given to 3rd world countries.
The fact is that this vaccines are the ones that cause this disease ! Yes, polio vaccines are the cause of polio paralysis ! Here are some links that you can check out ( link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4, link 5, link 6)

  • Paralysis Cases Spike in Wake of Bill Gates’ Polio Vaccination Effort in India (infowars reports) 

  • Incidence of polio among vaccinated children alarms govt (
  • Pakistan to punish families who reject polio vaccines ineffective and dangerous polio vaccines (Natural society)
It is known and obvious that this vaccines are no good, no wonder why so many countries are rejecting them. They know that those vaccines really do. But guess who is a very big pusher of these vaccines in all these countries if not the biggest ? Yes, bill gates. But wait, he can't be all bad, he says he wants to fight world hunger. Oh, wait, never mind, he is a Monsanto investor and supporter, purchasing 500,000 shares in Monsanto back in 2010 valued at more than $23 million. And if you don't know what Monsanto and GMO does, research it. I'm trying to write an article about that also.

I'll stop right here. After seeing what he says and does you can come to your own conclusions. But now, I think we can see a death agenda in progress, aimed to humanity and God's creation as I have mentioned in previous articles. An evil agenda trying to make us be part of it, as victims or collaborators. We have to be aware of these things, and not be part of them. Just like it is written in
Ephesians 5:11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.
Because we all know what God says about this in the book of  
Exodus 20:13 You shall not kill.
Very precise, no exceptions. So we have to pay attention to Jesus' advise, in  
Matthew 24:4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you.
Because in the last days, the devil is going to try to deceive as many as he can. He will try to disguise evil and make look "good, harmless". But God also warns us about that, in
Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.
No matter is the devil uses prominent people,  organization or even the state to "legalize" evil, to deceive people. Reading our bible and studying it, and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to discern between good and evil. Like Peter said in

Acts 5:29 Peter and the other apostles replied: "We must obey God rather than men!
And here is one good reason for that, written in the book of
Luke 16:15 He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight.
The same concept we read in
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death.
The Holy Bible is our guide, our lamp, to help us see the right way and these mentioned verses are very powerful and helpful. Write them down, memorized them, but most important, put them in action in your life. I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide us to victory against evil and will give us the strength and wisdom that our Heavenly Father has prepared for us. Not because we deserve anything at all ! But because the blood of the Lamb, our Redeemer, Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ ! Have a blessed week my friends.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


  1. God bless and protects you brother Elias Carrazco !
    Heavenly Father!

    1. Amen, may God bless you too brother. Maranatha! Jesus is coming soon.
