

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dramatic growth in diseases and disabilities !!!

Dramatic growth in diseases and disabilities !!!  
          Autism awareness month

There are many diseases and disabilities growing like crazy in this last years.
Sadly these are also the biggest causes of death in this the U.S. and the world.

For example in this site, there is a list of leading causes of death for the US.

Notice that almost ALL of them are diseases like: heart disease, Cancer, Stroke, Diabetes etc.
So, never mind the "terrorist". We have to be afraid of the FOOD we eat instead of people from the middle east wearing turbans or long beards ! Yes, FOOD, you all know that saying: "you are what you eat", and that is true. What you eat causes heart problems, diabetes, and many other diseases, and also can lead to cancer. I could give you more info about causes of cancer, since cancer is growing like crazy in the US (check out this links about it, Link 1 , Link 2). Also, did you know that US has the highest rate of obesity in the WORLD ?!! Yes , we are number one ! But this article is going to be focused on Autism.

This month is Autism awareness month. That is why before this month ended i wanted to put up this article. This is part of a big effort in finding the cure for autism and to help families with autistic kids and how to live with that disability. But not many are talking about what causes autism. Let me tell you a little secret (not so secret now). The truth about autism growing rates may not be very popular, since what I have researched is not very acceptable for many people. So I will tell you what I have found out and of course give the links to support it.

Many of these causes are also true for other diseases which I have already mentioned.
Ok, first the BIGGEST cause is VACCINES ! Yes, vaccines people.
And I  found something interesting. Even Donald Trump went ahead and said this on Fox News.
Yes, it is funny, the reporters try to say that physicians disagree with that and Donald says "I could care less" haha. Well on the other hand, many physicians and top authors DO agree with this, and you can finds their quotes about it on this site.  There is also a site where show the case of a family who took this to court ! Saying that MMR (Measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine caused their child autism and they won and got 3 million dollars.
Then, other cause is related to HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup) which can be found in many processed foods and beverages since it is a chemical sweetener. And of course here are just few links about it ( Link 1, Link 2). That is why processed foods are bad news. Like aspartame, another sweetener used in almost all processed foods (research it please).
And the "health ranger" on his site Natural News, also has an article about Autism linked to: fluoridated water, monosodium glutamate (MSG), genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), toxic chemicals, and processed foods. 
So, there look it up, very interesting right ? But as you all already know, I like to give the other side of the coin, and look at the spiritual side of this. And see what is really behind all this.

As Christians we know that the devil is behind all this, he was the ability of disease people, remember the story of Job ? But in the end times these diseases would increase drastically as it was foretold by our Lord Jesus in
              Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.
 But look at this other version,
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995) There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and dreadful diseases in various places. Terrifying sights and miraculous signs will come from the sky.

This brothers and sisters is non other that another sign of the SOON return of our Savior Jesus Christ. Think about all the other things that are going on in this world. Why these diseases are growing so much this last years ? Get ready people, things are about to change and are going to get worst ! Our only hope now is our faith in our redeemer Jesus Christ. And that faith will inevitably lead us to make changes in our lives, and consecrate our lives to Him. I hope you are pointing on that direction. May God keep you and guide you, have a blessed week and like always, Keep the Faith !

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