

Monday, April 16, 2012

Big brother update Smart appliances, C.I.A. And massive data center !

Big brother update  

Smart appliances, C.I.A. And massive data center !

You probably are aware of smart appliances. Like smart phones , you could have, smart:  TVs, refrigerators, dishwashers, microwaves, washers, dryers etc. Last year LG unveiled its full range of smart appliances, enabled by LG THINQ™ Technology, at the 2011 International CES®.  Thinq has a  WiFi grid built around a smart meter enabling home owners to schedule the oven cook time, washing machine cycle, and refrigerator defrost. Smart Access allows homeowners to control and monitor appliances from outside of the home by phone or tablet, remotely view the house and even feed the dog. LG's smart refrigerators can count and display the number of times in them. (Read article 1 _ article 2 for more details)

It all sounds great and very useful, but  unfortunately there is another side to this coin. Yes, and it really shocked me, that is why I am sharing it with you.
First of all, remember the appliances have WiFi, that means that they have access to internet. So, having that in mind, here it is : C.I.A. director says they can use smart appliances to spy on you ! Smart appliances also have voice recognition, that means they have microphones in them, giving them the ability to listen to everything you say. Who knows if they have cameras also with face recognition, like that microsoft kinect, that can even track your movements. If I had one I would unplug it if I am not using it. Those things are not hard to hack by a good hacker, who knows who can be watching. Look, based on what I have researched and read, I can go as far as to say that they have access to anything. If it's connected to the internet or a phone network, they can access it. Can you believe the head of the CIA would say that ? Well, I guess you can, if you also know that sites like google and facebook share your info with the government also.
Info like emails, voice mails, phone calls, personal info, pictures, etc.
Even judge Napolitano talks about this CIA director's statement in this Fox news video.

 That is what the NWO is all about, controlling every aspect of our lives. So when the times comes, nobody could escape from them (like in a persecution for example). That is why they have RFID microchips in your state IDs and credit cards, or that OnStar system in your car, etc.

But there is just one more thing. You might ask yourself : "that is a lot of information to process, how can they store so much data ? They would need hundreds of computers with huge memory". Don't worry, they have thought of that already. That's why the are building a massive "data center" facility in Utah. (link 2) (link 3)And when I say massive I mean 17-football-fields size ! Where all that data is going to be stored and monitored. With computers with so much memory, where giga and tera bytes are a joke. From there they will watch America and the whole world. It will be ready by next year. 

Many people that don't know about bible prophecies are very concerned about this, they know the NWO (new world order)  is coming and it's coming fast ! They  are getting ready, and we should do the same. But our preparation should be a spiritual one, more than anything else. I hope and pray that we realize the times we live in. Things are about to change, and it's not time to be playing around anymore. Time to take God's word and teachings very seriously. And the name of "christians" very personal.
May God keep you and protect you, may Christ be your only example and savior, and may the Holy Spirit guide you and give you wisdom to make the right decisions.

Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. “Now learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near—at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. (Matthew 24:30-35)

This is update of the main article "Big brother is watching us" that i posted earlier.
For more big brother info check those articles. thanks.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

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