

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Lord's Prayer

The Lord's Prayer

I love this song, I have heard it by many singers and I really like it. 
But when I heard it performed by Andrea Bocelli, oh man ! It made me tremble.
Powerful combination, a beautiful song, and a extraordinary voice.
So I edited it and put some pictures to inspire our hearts just a little to the meaning
our this words.

I hope you enjoy it. But not only that, I really hope you ponder upon this words,
and realize that this is how our greatest teacher, Jesus, taught us how a prayer
should be like, and put this teachings to practice in our daily life, and to pray to 
our Father in heaven every morning, and during the day.

Have a great day, may God be with you and keep you.
This is the original video performed by Bocelli, if you would like to see it.

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