

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The end of the decade

Here we are, at the end of the decade.
Can you believe we are entering the 20s? And how will 2020 find me?

Looking back

Firstly, as I look back at the decade, these last 10 years, I can't believe that it has gone so fast!
Wow, so many things have happened in this last decade. Very important things, in this country and around the world. 
But, my mind immediately goes to analyze the times we live in; and that undoubtedly we are closer and closer to the second coming of Jesus. But if that is the truth, the next important question would be; How is my spiritual life? Am I ready and prepared for what is coming? Have I done a good job getting others ready and prepare to meet our Creator? What have I taught my family, my children, my community? If I am honest I don't think I can answer satisfactorily. And that really motivates me to do a better job these next years.

The times we live in

Again, many things had happened this last decade. Therefore, I would like to focus on the signs of the times. Also, how they confirm that we don't have much time left and Jesus coming is very near. 

Earthquakes in the last decade
Surely, you remember Matthew 24 and the signs that Jesus talked about. If you remember, he mentioned many things; for example: wars, earthquakes, famines, diseases, Christian persecution, false Christs and prophets, an increase in wickedness and more. 
Unquestionably, we have seen all that and more. Many catastrophes like hurricane  Harvey, Sandy and Maria. These hurricanes were one of the worst ones on record. Likewise, we have seen earthquakes and tsunamis that shook the world, and one of them literally. Equally, climate change is increasing and we can see its destruction everywhere. Thus, wildfires are burning without control, in California, in the Amazons, in Africa. At the same time, crazy weather breaking records, like the polar vortex we experienced this year. On the other hand, breaking-record heatwaves melting the U.K. and Australia. 

Another thing that shocked the world is the legalization of gay marriage in 2015 in the United States. Since then, many countries have done the same. Consequently, homosexuality has been accepted as normal in society. Now, you can see it in TV shows, movies, schools, and the trendy "drag queen story hour" in public libraries. Also, diseases like ebola, measles, chikungunya, zika and many others are killing thousands. Moreover, superbugs resistant to drugs, and some of them are resistant to ALL known antibiotics. 

Furthermore, Christian persecution is increasing around the world like in North Korea, China, Nigeria, the Middle East, etc. False Christs and false prophets popping up in different places, and thousands follow them. Wickedness increasing, with mass shootings on the rise and protests and riots around the world. And many other things that unmistakably tell us that this last decade was a very important one. 

 What to expect

As we enter into a new decade, things are not going to get better. As bible students, we know that things are actually going to get worse. Science will increase, wrote the prophet Daniel and that is exactly what we are seeing. Technology is increasing at a rapid rate, robots, autonomous vehicles, drones, A.I. are taking over society. Indeed, computer power is getting more powerful as we can see it in mobile devices and computers. The technology is available to modify DNA on plants, animal and humans with CRISPR technology. Certainly, in the next few years, we will see many shocking things. 

Meanwhile, natural disasters will increase and they will be more catastrophic. Similarly, Christian persecution will increase at the same time that ecumenism will also increase. Religions will unite and join together in the name of 'peace and safety'. False prophets will appear and will deceive many more than what is happening today. In fact, and this is just my opinion, I really think that the Antichrist will manifest himself in the next decade. Thus, millions will follow him and then we will see what true Christian persecution looks like. 

Conversely, many people will follow the true Christ and His teaching. Thousands and thousands will consecrate their lives to God and will stand firm in loyalty to the Creator and His commandments. However, many will also give their lives as martyrs as a public testimony to the watching world. But we must not fear, because our Savior will be with us through trials and tribulations. 

What to do

In conclusion, it is time to be serious about our spiritual lives. Time to start focusing more on the Word and prayer and to leave behind the things of this world. 
Paul wrote to the church in Rome about the times they were living in. Simultaneously, those words are prophetically applied today for us that live in the last days.

Romans 13:11-14 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)11 You know the times in which we are living. It’s time for you to wake up. Our salvation is nearer now than when we first became believers.12 The night is almost over, and the day is near. So we should get rid of the things that belong to the dark and take up the weapons that belong to the light. 13 We should live decently, as people who live in the light of day. Wild parties, drunkenness, sexual immorality, promiscuity, rivalry, and jealousy cannot be part of our lives.14 Instead, live like the Lord Jesus Christ did, and forget about satisfying the desires of your corrupt nature. 
The admonishment is clear, we know the time we are in, and we know that it is time to WAKE UP! Many of us have been sleeping spiritually and we need to wake up and wake others. Let us leave the darkness of this world behind and become light. Let us live like the Lord Jesus, and reflect His character in our lives. Let us keep the faith and be strong for the times that are ahead. Strong for our sake and the sake of others, especially the ones that depend on us. 
Lastly, I want to thank you for reading this and I really hope and pray that this short message can impact your life and help me make changes if necessary. 
Also, I would like to recognize that I have been away from my blog, but I never forgot about it. I always think that I should go back and write blogs again, but I've been busy with life and I also have been more active in public speaking and other things. But I will do my best to take time and write more. 
May you have a blessed new year and a new decade and in 10 years I will come back to this blog and we will see how different the world looks like, if God allows, of course. 
Numbers 6: 24-26
“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
25 the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
26 the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”’

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