

Sunday, October 5, 2014

AT THE EDGE - Robot Apocalypse


Robot Apocalypse

Hello dear readers, this is going to be a new “series” of articles that I named “AT THE EDGE”.
Previously I wrote a series based on Matthew 24 and the signs of the end times, where basically, news reports confirmed what Jesus prophesied.

But in this new series of articles, “AT THE EDGE”, we are going to take a look at what the world is saying about these times we live in. And we are going to see that according to many different areas of society, we are “at the edge” of a turning point in humanity. At a climax of our civilization, where uncertainty, chance and despair is all that we are left with. (according to them).
But of course we, as followers of Jesus, know that, this is not the case.

So fasten your seat belts, and hold on because we are going to be shocked.
What is the world expecting in the next years?
What are the experts warning us about, and many of us don’t know about it?
Is nature and climate out of control?
Are the nations angry, ready for a great conflagration?
Is our society (social, economic, religious) about to collapse?
These and many more questions are going to be answer, letting us know that we are “AT THE EDGE”!

Robot Apocalypse

As the subtitle says this article is going to be about a topic that is not a conspiracy theory at all, instead, many experts on the subject are worry about it and have given us warnings.

First, let us take a look at how the “robot movement” is advancing. Thus, we can start to comprehend the situation and peek a little through the window into the robotic world.

In case you are not very “up-to-date” on the subject, robots are slowly but surely making their way into our society. But recently, as technology advances rapidly, these machines are starting to show up in different places, making life easier for their owners. Let us take a look at just some of these cases:

Robo-cook: android restaurant boots up in China (Yahoonews)

This robot bird of prey is designed to scare real birds (SlashGear)

JIBO, The World's First Family Robot. (IndieGogo)

Meet Pepper, the world's first robot that reads emotions. (DailyMail)

Pentagon plans to replace flight crews with ‘full-time’ robots. (WashingtonTimes)

Robots help deliver meals for patients at Bristol's new £430million super Southmead Hospital. (WesternDaily Press)

Robots to teach in Abu Dhabi school. (GulfNews)

Honda's new Asimo robot can run, jump and sign. (BBCNews)

Panasonic Manufactures Robot For Elder-care. (

Tiny robot learns to fly a real plane. (

Check-in robot at Moscow airport. (CNCNews)
Need Room Service? A Google-Backed Robot May Knock at Your Door. (WSJ Tech)

Robot capable of handling unfamiliar objects unveiled. (

Coming Soon to the Library: Humanoid Robots. (TheWall Street Journal)

As you can see by these few articles, these are NOT toys at all. Most of them cost tens of thousands of dollars and their creators have spent many years developing them.
These machines apparently are very efficient at what they do, and they seemingly benefit their owners very much.
In fact, they are so efficient, that they are replacing humans and taking people's jobs, as you already saw in some of the previous news articles.
Robots replacing cooks, teachers, receptionists, nurses, flight crew and even pilots!

Some of them are so smart that can play games against humans and win!
Robots Playing Ping Pong: What's Real, and What's Not? (Spectrum)

Kasparov loses chess game to computer. (HistoryChannel)

IBM computer Watson wins Jeopardy clash. (TheGuardian)

Turing Test: Computer Program Convinces Judges It's Human. (NBCNews)

But let's take a look now at some other more serious reports, where we are warned about how computers and robots are taking over our jobs:

China's robot sector witnesses increasing demand. (
Industrial robots, whose market in China is showing promising signs as workers get replaced due to higher labor costs...
Efficient, working 24-7, no need to talk, eat, or drink, and best of all, you don’t have to pay them.
There are more benefits to having robots working for you. They don’t get hurt.

The Robot Economy: Will Machines Take Your Job by 2025? (LiveScience)
From driving cars to caring for the elderly, many of the tasks humans perform today will soon be taken over by robots and other forms of artificial intelligence, experts say.

The robots are coming, and they are replacing warehouse workers and fast food employees. (InfoWars)
  • According to CNN, there will be 10,000 robots working to fulfill customer orders in warehouses by the end of 2014…
  • The Care-O-Bot III robot carries a bottle of drink through a kitchen in the Fraunhofer institute in Stuttgart August 5, 2010. REUTERS/Michaela RehlePC World has just done a report on a new warehouse robot known as “UBR-1″. This robot is intended to perform tasks “normally done by human workers”…
  • According to CNN, restaurants all over the nation are going to automated service, and a recent University of Oxford study concluded that there is a 92 percent chance that most fast food jobs will be automated in the coming years…
  • And robots are even threatening extremely skilled professions such as doctors. For instance, just check out this excerpt from a Bloomberg article entitled “Doctor Robot Will See You Shortly“…
  • And this is just the beginning. In a previous article, I discussed the groundbreaking study by Dr. Carl Frey and Dr. Michael Osborne of Oxford University which came to the conclusion that 47 percent of all U.S. jobs could be automated within the next 20 years.

Rise of the robots: Humans will compete with droids for jobs by 2040, study claims. (DailyMail)
By 2040, cabs will be driven by Google robots, shops will become showrooms for online outlets and call centers will be staffed by intelligent droids.
That’s the scenario depicted in recent research which suggests robots could be taking over our lives and jobs in less than 30 years.

Humans need not apply: A world where technology replaces workers. (CSMonitor)
"It is getting easier and easier to avoid hiring people by taking advantage of technology,"...
increasingly, they substitute machine power for human brainpower.
And their powers will only grow. Computing power doubles every 18 months to two years.

And you can find many articles just like these. And it's not a shocking surprise when you think about it, you can see how machines and technology have replaced humans for a long time already, at banks, grocery stores, at factories, etc, etc. In fact, a single machine (like redbox, or netflix) now replaces an entire local movie-video stores full of employees.

So, when you start to familiarize yourself with the technology movement you realize how fast it's moving, pushing humanity “at the edge” of a robotic revolution.

Now, I could end this article right now and be somewhat satisfied with it. But there are various other reports that I just cannot omit.
Not only the experts are warning us about the employment crisis and the overtaking of our jobs, but in fact there is a graver warning which we need to take heed to.

Elon Musk Warns AIs Could Exterminate Humanity. (Forbes)

  • Superintelligent computers will likely exterminate humanity, predicts the boss of Tesla Motors and Space X.
“We need to be super careful with AI,” he said. “Potentially more dangerous than nukes.”
“Hope we’re not just the biological boot loader for digital superintelligence. Unfortunately, that is increasingly probable.”
  • Professor Bostrom, the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute, suggests that the first superintelligent entity will wipe out our race. “We humans are like small children playing with a bomb,” he writes.
  • Mr Barrat suggested that even if the superintelligence were created with good intentions, it would still be inclined to commit genocide.

Artificial intelligence 'could be the worst thing to happen to humanity': Stephen Hawking warns that rise of robots may be disastrous for mankind. (MailOnline)

Artificial Intelligence, disguised as helpful digital assistants and self-driving vehicles, is gaining a foothold – and it could one day spell the end for mankind.
This is according to Stephen Hawking who has warned that humanity faces an uncertain future as technology learns to think for itself and adapt to its environment.
‘Although we are facing potentially the best or worst thing to happen to humanity in history, little serious research is devoted to these issues.

Robots will be smarter than us all by 2029, warns AI expert Ray Kurzweil. (TheIndependent)

By 2029, computers will be able to understand our language, learn from experience and outsmart even the most intelligent humans, according to Google’s director of engineering Ray Kurzweil.
Killer robots a small step away and must be outlawed, says top UN official. (TheTelegraph)

Killer robots programmed to open fire without human control are just a “small step” from the battlefield and military powers should agree to outlaw them, a top United Nations official has said.

Robots could murder us out of KINDNESS unless they are taught the value of human life, engineer claims. (MailOnline)

Future generations could be exterminated by Terminator-style robots unless machines are taught the value of human life.
Speaking at a conference in Sweden, she said robots could decide that the greatest compassion to humans as a race is to get rid of everyone.

After reading all this, specially if you fully read each article here posted, we start to realize that the robotic revolution is not a joke nor a conspiracy theory. Is a fact, it is happening and these are just a few articles about the subject.
In addition, this information is just what general public is 'allowed' to know, imagine what we don't know, secret government projects or private company's researches.
Considering that, according to Moore's law, technology doubles every 18 months roughly, and according to koomey's law energy efficiency doubles every 18 months also, we can just start to imagine how the world would look like in just a few years from today.
This can only make us think that the idea of being “AT THE EDGE” of a robot apocalypse, is very possible considering the fact that man, for the first time in history, has the ability of creating such scenario.

After absorbing all this information, what do we do from here?
If you stare too hard and too long at this agglomeration of articles, you can start to despair, get anxious, or just freak out.
But thank God for his word, in which we find hope, comfort and encouragement.
First of all Jesus, foreseen the future, prophesied that there would be troublesome times at the end times:

Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.
Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for
the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

The book of Daniel also tells us how the world would like at the end times.
Even as the knowledge of the bible and the prophecies was going to increase, also scientific and technological knowledge was going to grow exponentially:

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.
So, all this shouldn't take us by surprise, it should all just affirm our belief in His imminent return.
God also gave us words of encouragement and hope that can comfort us in times of fear or anxiety:

Isaiah 41:10 Don't be afraid, because I'm with you; don't be anxious, because I am your God. I keep on strengthening you; I'm truly helping you. I'm surely upholding you with my victorious right hand." (ISV)

Jesus also gave us words of solace for times of distress:

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Dear friends, we are “AT THE EDGE” of a turning point in human history. The epic climax of all times is almost 'at the door'. All these events, catastrophes, agitations, are increasing as 'birth pains', which can only tell us one thing, and that is the unavoidable, inescapable and unpreventable fact that our Lord, Master and Savior Jesus Christ, the Messiah, is returning imminently.

Are you ready?
Is your life spiritually prepared for such event?
Are you doing everything in your power to prepare your family and your loved ones?
Are we leaving the pleasures of this world aside and embracing Jesus?
It is my prayer that it will be so.

May God bless your life and families. Shalom. 

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