

Monday, February 4, 2013

The Killer Inside

The Killer Inside

The famous Matthew 24 signs | 

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says

The chief medical officer, said the threat from infections that are resistant to frontline antibiotics was so serious that the issue should be added to the government's national risk register of civil emergencies.
She described what she called an "apocalyptic scenario" where people going for simple operations in 20 years' time die of routine infections "because we have run out of antibiotics".

This is the fifth part of the Matthew 24 signs series. Where we will examine each one of these signs which, according to Jesus, were going to take place right before His return to this planet.

Let's take a look at the next sign Jesus said will happen at the end times:
Luke 21:11 There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and dreadful diseases in various places... (God's Word)

The verse in this translation is very explicit, and the next sign we are going too look at is "diseases".

But before you start rolling your eyes, let me remind you that we are not going to look at "disease" by itself as a sign. We always had diseases, for thousands of years, but we will look at diseases through the "birth pains factor" mentioned by Jesus, meaning that the sign will be more frequent and more intense as we get closer to Jesus' return. And as I mentioned before, this sign is also happening simultaneously with the other signs. ALL of the signs happening at the same time.
So, in case you are asking yourself: is all this really going on today? Let me try to give an answer...

First let me start with the terrible diseases that humanity has witnessed lately.


Malaria kills a child somewhere in the world every 30 seconds. It infects 350-500 million people each year, killing 1 million, mostly children in Africa. Ninety per cent of malaria deaths occur in Africa, where malaria accounts for about one in five of all childhood deaths.

Why Is Malaria Increasing Globally?

Malaria is increase globally is because drugs have become ineffective. With all the new drugs being tested and used there are at least 300 million cases of the disease each year, resulting in about a million deaths annually. Although there are several treatments for malaria, widespread resistance to conventional antimalarial drugs has contributed to higher death rates and the incidences of infection are increasing.


The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a retrovirus that infects cells of the immune system, destroying or impairing their function. As the infection progresses, the immune system becomes weaker, and the person becomes more susceptible to infections. The most advanced stage of HIV infection is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It can take 10-15 years for an HIV-infected person to develop AIDS; antiretroviral drugs can slow down the process even further.

Global HIV/AIDS Epidemic

Around 34 million people are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Each year around 2.7 million more people become infected with HIV and 1.8 million die of AIDS. Although HIV and AIDS are found in all parts of the world, some areas are more afflicted than others.
The worst affected region is sub-Saharan Africa, where in a few countries more than one in five adults is infected with HIV. The epidemic is spreading most rapidly in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where the number of people living with HIV increased by 250 percent between 2001 and 2010. Many Western countries, such as the UK, have increasing rates of HIV transmission through heterosexual sex. In America, where more than a million people are living with HIV, heterosexual sex accounts for one third of new diagnoses.


Tuberculosis (TB) kills approximately 2 million people each year. The global epidemic is growing and becoming more dangerous. The breakdown in health services, the spread of HIV/AIDS and the emergence of multidrug-resistant TB are contributing to the worsening impact of this disease. In 1993, the World Health Organization (WHO) took an unprecedented step and declared tuberculosis a global emergency, so great was the concern about the modern TB epidemic. It is estimated that between 2002 and 2020, approximately 1000 million people will be newly infected, over 150 million people will get sick, and 36 million will die of TB -if control is not further strengthened.

TB (tuberculosis), might not seem like a very threatening disease today, specially in more developed countries. But the fact is that it is the second deadliest disease after AIDS.

Innovation to Tackle World's Second-Deadliest Disease

tuberculosis (TB), the world's second largest global killer after HIV/AIDS. In 2010, 8.8 million people fell ill with TB, and 1.4 million died from the disease.

---I know you might think that despite these reports, TB is a very well controlled disease not to worry about it. And I would somewhat agree, BUT, (you know there had to be a "but" to a statement like that) there is a very important statement mentioned in one of the previous articles. "the emergence of multidrug-resistant TB are contributing to the worsening impact of this disease." ---

What is XDR-TB

XDR-TB, an abbreviation for extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB), is a form of TB which is resistant to at least four of the core anti-TB drugs. XDR-TB involves resistance to the two most powerful anti-TB drugs, isoniazid and rifampicin, also known as multidrug-resistance (MDR-TB), in addition to resistance to any of the fluoroquinolones and to at least one of three injectable second-line drugs. MDR-TB and XDR-TB both take substantially longer to treat than ordinary TB, and require the use of second-line anti-TB drugs, which are more expensive and have more side-effects than the first-line drugs used for drug-susceptible TB.

TB becoming more drug-resistant

"The global emergency of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis heralds the advent of widespread, virtually untreatable tuberculosis,"

"These results show that XDR tuberculosis is increasingly a cause for concern, especially in areas where prevalence of MDR tuberculosis is high,"

"The true scale of the burden of MDR and XDR tuberculosis might be underestimated and seem to be rapidly increasing."

Virtually Untreatable’ Tuberculosis Threat Rising:

Almost half of tuberculosis patients who received prior treatment were resistant to a second-line drug, suggesting the deadly disease may become “virtually untreatable"


Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus. It invades the nervous system, and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours. The virus enters the body through the mouth and multiplies in the intestine. Initial symptoms are fever, fatigue, headache, vomiting, stiffness in the neck and pain in the limbs. One in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis (usually in the legs). Among those paralyzed, 5% to 10% die when their breathing muscles become immobilized.

As long as a single child remains infected, children in all countries are at risk of contracting polio. Failure to eradicate polio from these last remaining strongholds could result in as many as 200 000 new cases every year, within 10 years, all over the world.

---Let me mention that even though polio is very well monitored and “controlled”, I came across some interesting articles about polio that I think you should also take a look at.---

The very vaccine it is using to fight polio is causing more polio paralysis than the wild poliovirus.

Polio Vaccines Now The #1 Cause of Polio Paralysis

--- Isn't that ironic? The same vaccine that attempts to cure polio, paralyzes the poor kids, and guess who is a big pusher of these vaccines. Well take a look, it isn't a surprise any more to see this guy showing up in this kind of subjects. ---

Bill Gates and 47,500 Cases of Paralysis

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation program in India was promoted as “The Last Mile: Eradicating polio in India.” The promotional video displayed numbers showing thousands of cases of polio in India decades ago, with the number of cases dropping to 42 by 2010. But it appears that wild polio virus stats have been traded for polio from vaccines and non-polio acute flaccid paralysis (NPAFP). In India, over 47,000 cases of NPAFP were reported in 2011. The paralysis symptoms of NPAFP are practically the same as what’s attributed to “eradicated” wild virus polio. Apparently, vaccine polio viruses also cause polio paralysis.


The Ebola virus can cause severe viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF) outbreaks in humans with a case fatality rate of up to 90%.

I have an entire article about Ebola and the recent outbreak here.


Flu outbreak in 2013, one of the worst in a decade, at least 18 children already dead

A nationwide flu outbreak that has already caused the deaths of at least 18 children and clogged emergency rooms in many states is provoking great alarm across the country.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has said that this year's flu season is expected to be one of the worst the country has seen in 10 years. Not even at its peak yet, the season “is stacking up to be moderate to severe,” Tom Skinner, a spokesperson for the CDC, said.

Flu outbreak 2013: A new stomach virus more potent, harder to kill

While the nation is on the lookout for the worst influenza strain to crash ashore in more than a decade, there is another potent and hard-to-kill stomach virus hunched in the tall weeds of American society and it can strike its prey easier than the flu bug. Condoluci, an infectious disease specialist. “Basically, you go through about 24 to 48 hours of hell.”

Dr. David Kaufman, chief of infectious disease at South Jersey Healthcare said: “The virus is very good at surviving in a whole bunch of environments, foods, surfaces, water. It’s a very transmissible disease. It means it doesn’t take much, and it’s easy to catch.”

---So, besides the fact that flu epidemic is growing, now we face a new virus harder to kill. That is very scary news, but could there be something scarier than that?
Well, if the "birth pains factor" is true, it shouldn't be a surprise if there is something worst about these flu viruses than what we have already seen. And I think there is, take a look at this recent report:

Research to Resume on Modified, Deadlier Bird Flu

Experiments with a deadly flu virus, suspended last year after a fierce global debate over safety, will start up again in some laboratories, probably within the next few weeks, scientists say.

The research touched off a firestorm in 2011 when it became known that two groups, one in the Netherlands and another in the United States, had genetically altered a dangerous bird flu virus to make it more contagious in mammals. Some scientists warned that a deadly pandemic could break out if the mutant virus leaked out of the lab accidentally or if terrorists stole it or made it themselves, using articles in scientific journals for the recipe.

---Wow, isn't that scarier? A bunch of "mad scientist" making a new deadly flu virus in their labs. I always try pretty hard to be an optimist, but this doesn't sounds very optimistic for our future if the "recipe" falls (or is given) into the wrong hands.---

Flesh eating bacteria

Necrotizing fasciitis is an infection caused by bacteria. It can destroy skin, fat, and the tissue covering the muscles within a very short time

About 1 out of 4 people who get this infection die from it.1 Many people who get necrotizing fasciitis are in good health before they get the infection.

You can get necrotizing fasciitis when bacteria enter a wound, such as from an insect bite, a burn, or a cut.

Med Center Sees Increased Number of Flesh-Eating Disease

A flesh-eating bacteria survivor described her ordeal Tuesday at the Nebraska Medical Center. Doctors who treated her say they are seeing more cases like hers than usual this month.

The Med Center has seen six cases of flesh-eating bacteria within the past month. Usually they would see two or three cases a year. So many are wondering, why the surge in this disease?

---These are very scary diseases, specially this last one.
But, what about the diseases we have had. Are they increasingly becoming more severe also?
Well, let's do a little research:


Diabetes Rates Increase Significantly Among American Youth

Diabetes diagnoses increasing at alarming rate

Type 1 Diabetes in Urban Children Skyrockets, Increasing by 70% in Children Under Age 5


CDC: U.S. kids with autism up 78% in past decade

Autism rates rising sharply, CDC reports

Autism cases in children on the rise
KXA Nnews

I have an entire article about autism here.


World cancer toll is on the rise, says research

Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020

Cancer Rates Expected To Increase 75% By 2030

Heart disease

Heart disease will increase over next 20 year

Heart Attacks on the Rise in Women

Future heart-health alarm rises with new statistics on kids


Obesity Rates Rising Worldwide, Half of U.S. Could Be Obese by 2030

In U.S., Obesity Up in Nearly All Age Groups Since 2008

Experts say childhood obesity on the rise

---These are really bad news, pretty much every disease is on the rise, and on top of all that, new diseases, viruses and super bugs are appearing. These cases are becoming more often and more severe! How interesting, didn't a Jewish rabbi prophesied that more than 2000 years ago?
I know some of you might think: "well, at least our modern medicine can fight and kill theses new diseases, viruses, bacterias etc."
Well, sadly that is not the case at this moment. No, in fact, the contrary is happening.
Take a look at these recent reports: 


Antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Antibiotic-resistant bacteria are a genuine threat we must all fight

More people died of infections than cancer in 2010. This stark fact highlights the danger from rise in antibiotic resistance in bacteria, a danger the chief medical officer warned MPs about again this week.

We need new types of antibiotics and then we need to use these wisely – if we don't we will return to the days of survival of the fittest, and the huge advances in medicine that we benefit from will be rolled back. Patients will die of infections that we should be able to treat.

The last antibiotic: Drug companies run out of weapons against the very same superbugs they helped create

The age of antibiotics is over. It's history. There are no more patented chemical antibiotics in the pipeline. The drug companies have all but abandoned antibiotics research, leaving humanity to suffer the fate of a wave of drug-resistant bacteria -- superbugs -- that the drug companies actually helped create.

The industry is down to one last-ditch chemical: colistin, a toxic bug-killing chemical discovered in 1949. It kills superbugs, but it also causes kidney damage. So if you're infected with a superbug in a hospital, you can choose to either die from an infection, or die from the cure.

Margaret Chan, the director general of the World Health Organization, couldn't deny the reality of the situation. "Things as common as strep throat or a child's scratched knee could once again kill," she said. "Antimicrobial resistance is on the rise in Europe, and elsewhere in the world. We are losing our first-line antimicrobials... For patients infected with some drug-resistant pathogens, mortality has been shown to increase by around 50%," she said.

Antibiotic-resistant diseases pose 'apocalyptic' threat, top expert says

Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, described what she called an "apocalyptic scenario" where people going for simple operations in 20 years' time die of routine infections "because we have run out of antibiotics".

She told the Guardian: ""There are few public health issues of potentially greater importance for society than antibiotic resistance. It means we are at increasing risk of developing infections that cannot be treated – but resistance can be managed.

"In the past, most people haven't worried because we've always had new antibiotics to turn to," said Alan Johnson, consultant clinical scientist at the Health Protection Agency. "What has changed is that the development pipeline is running dry. We don't have new antibiotics that we can rely on in the immediate future or in the longer term."

So, after seeing what is happening with all these diseases, new and old, and their increase in society. And after seeing how NEW diseases, viruses, bacterias etc. are threatening our health, I think the only conclusion we can come up with is that, JESUS was right! As he predicted, increasing and more severe diseases are a sign that we clearly can see being fulfilled today.

So let's add this one to the list Signs being fulfilled today:

False christs
Wars andrumors of wars
Great earthquakes in diverse places
Famines and troubles √
Pestilences, dreadful diseases √

So hold on tight, because the fulfillment of all these signs will shock you out of your chair. My dear readers, my purpose is not to scare you or amaze you, or give you something interesting to read. My only objective is to help you and others, to realize the times we are living in. So you can prepare your life and others' spiritually, physically and mentally for the hard times that we have ahead, to finally meet our Creator and Redeemer Jesus Christ, the son of God.

I would like to ask you: Have you given your life to the One who created you? The One who gave His life for the salvation from sin of your soul? The One who forgives you, loves you and gives you the inner peace we all desperately need? This world doesn't offer us anything of REAL value, you could have all the money, goods and fame, but at the same time feel empty inside. Feel alone, or hated, or restless, anxious as is your are looking for something and even though you think you have everything or nothing at all, you still have not found the piece that fills the void in your soul.
My dear friend, stop looking around and look UP, someone is looking back at you. Jesus is waiting to enter your heart, why won't you let Him come in? There is nothing in this world to keep you apart, what is your answer to Him?

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