

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Super Bowl - Madonna_baphomet, devil worship !!!

Super Bowl - Madonna_baphomet, devil worship !!!
 Did you watch watch the super bowl yesterday ? (sunday) 
Oh yeah ? did you like it ? yes ? was it fun ?

Well let me tell you that you were watching a devil worship ritual !!!! yes !  That is why Christians,
don't watch shows as these. First of all, if you didn't know, Madonna is a Kabalist, and is deep into
Illuminati stuff, i'll put some pictures so you can see it.  
Well you can see all kind of devil worship here, Madonna wearing baphomet head-gear and 
even posing like baphomet.  And if you don't know who baphomet is, let me tell you, it is the devil ! 
yes, satanists worship him. 
You can see the sun too, sun worship, and the all seeing illuminati eye also.

Total satanic ritual, the devil is trying to have everybody worshiping him, and we Christians shouldn't
be deceived, lets spend our time studying the Holy Scriptures and preparing our life to meet Jesus
the only one who deserves worship. I hope this makes you realize that we have nothing to do with
worldly shows as this. Have a blessed week and God Bless, 
here are the pictures lets not be deceived !


notice the sun.

1 comment:

  1. Only God deserves worship. Jesus were the prophet and if you read - He did not asked to worship Him. Only worship God, our Creator!
