

Monday, February 27, 2012

Humans playing God..... how far will it go ?

 Humans playing God.....  how far will it go ?

First of all, these are not rumors or made up stuff. And no, they don't come from my creative  imagination ok ? This is REAL ! Here are the links so you can see it for your self.
Now , if you don't want to believe it, it's up to you then.

Humans are playing God. This is not new, but i read an article today that made me think: How far is this going to go ? so i put up this article together so you can come to a conclusion too.

"Dolly" the sheep, the first cloned mammal back in 1997. Also in 1995 some scientist grew what it looks like an human ear on the back of a mouse, called the "earmose" or "vacanti mouse". Since then , many interesting things had happened and I will show you some of them.

First i'll put the "soft ones" and i'll put the "i think this is too much" ones at last. So, here...

You might have seen this one, the GloFish, an GM(genetically modified) fish that glows with fluorescent colors. very cute, you can buy them as pets today.

You can also see the inside of this "see-through" frog. A GM frog.

You also have "Ruppy". Hey if you can't find your dog at night, get one of these.
Ruppy a GM dog, glows red with ultraviolet light. The first transgenic dog.

Then if you like salmon, here is an GM salmon. Almost double the size of a regular one, and it's approved for eating !

These monkeys were made from six different monkey embryos, so they really have six fathers, these GM monkeys are the world's first monkeys to be created from the embryos of several individuals.

Ok enough with the funny stuff ( not really, this is not funny, even if it makes you laugh), let's go to the more serious ones, now it comes to human stuff !

 Get this... human milk , from GM cows !!! isn't this a bit creepy ?

But wait look at this.. GM rice to produce human blood !!! i know it sounds crazy, but this is the article that made me put this together and made me think.... How far is this going to go ? let me tell you, if Jesus doesn't come VERY SOON, it is going to go TOO FAR !!!

Now, how about mixing human genes with animal ones ? Sounds scary right ? like out of a fiction moive... Well look at this.... Pigs with human organs !
And this human organs grown in GM pigs could be transplanted to humans by next year !

Ok this is enough, of course there are more interesting articles but you can do your own research if you want more info.
So, do you think we are going too far ? And this is what we know, imagine what we don't know ! Well i think that playing God and messing around with human and animal species and splicing them, creating new species of animals, animals that God did not make and disturbing the very genes of life !
I don't know how much longer God will see all this and allow humans to go much further.

Now, I want to leave you with a very interesting cite from an inspired author, Ellen G. White.

"But if there was one sin above another which called for the destruction of the race by the flood, it was the base crime of amalgamation of man and beast which defaced the image of God, and caused confusion everywhere. God purposed to destroy by a flood that powerful, long-lived race that had corrupted their ways before him."—Spiritual Gifts 3 Page 64.
"Every species of animal which God had created were preserved in the ark. The confused species which God did not create, which were the result of amalgamation, were destroyed by the Flood. Since the Flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals, and in certain races of men."—Page 75

Are we in those times now ? We surely are,
Matthew 24:37 And as [were] the days of Noah, so shall be the coming of the Son of man.

Just another sign that Jesus coming is at the door. Consecrate your life to Him and prepare your self and others for his soon coming, may God bless you. Have a nice week. :) 

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