

Saturday, January 7, 2012

SOPA and the end of internet free speach !

SOPA and the end of internet free speach ! <--- Click
Can you imagine a world where there is no more Facebook, Twitter or YouTube?

SOPA would give government officials unlimited power to very rapidly shut down any website that is found to “engage in, enable or facilitate” copyright infringement.
 That language is very broad and very vague.  Many fear that it will be used to shut down any websites that even inadvertently link to “infringing material”

Everyone would be deathly scared of allowing anything to be posted on their websites in such an environment.  Free speech on the Internet would be a thing of the past.

SOPA would allow the U.S. government to hit Internet websites with a “death penalty” without even having to go to court.  If SOPA becomes law, the Internet will change dramatically.

This bill, just as the NDAA, is obviously one of the weapons that the devil will use to kill one of the biggest tools that we Christians have to spread the good news, the word of God. This is just another prove that the end-times our close. Let's use this useful tool (internet) while we still can.


  1. WOW! A portarse bien porque en cualquier momento te caen y te revisan todo. Como se nota que este govierno en cualquier momento se hace comunista.

  2. si, es verdad, y no solo eso sino que tambien nos estan vigilando todo el tiempo.
