

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big Brother is watching us !!!

Big Brother is watching us !!!

Body Scanners on NY streets ?!   This is the latest on big brother moves.  This does not cross the line, the line has been crossed a LONG TIME AGO !  This just makes us think, How far are they going to go?

Now, if you didn't know, Chicago is the most watched city in the US ! watch this report they will tell you all about it.  Chicago_Most watched city in the US  this started right after 9/11 of course, more than 10,000 cameras powerful enough to zoom to a book you might be reading or even a text message !!!

And if you are not satisfied with that they are placing talking street lights !!! with cameras linked one to the other, that talk to you, and makes police calls. Big Brother street lights
Just like they did in the UK, UK talking cameras

And they can even photograph your face and you iris,  and it will scan your face and iris and pull it from their database  Police mobile Face and Iris scanner

And for the finale, they can even see what you do, or what you have inside your house and/or car. YES ! they can see trough walls ! watch this report that has also a video about it : Full body scan vans , privacy is now a myth. 

People, the Dragon (devil) is preparing the scenario to have everybody watched, under control. He is getting everything ready for a PERSECUTION ! Do you see ? When he will go after the saints that keep the commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus !  PLEASE get your life in peace with God, prepare your spiritual life and help other to prepare. Jesus coming is VERY CLOSE !  God bless you.

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